Istromento di Convenzioni tra li Luoghi Pii della Città di Milano per il pagamento dell'Elemosine, e Doti tanto libere, che vincolate a Famiglie, Agnazioni, e territorj del Ducato, rogato dal Dottore, e C.C. Stefano Marinone Notaro di Milano. 1785. 20. Settembre
Author: s.a.
Publisher: s.e.
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1785
Product Condition:
Contemporary Paperback Bound, to the clipboard, ancient in pen to the front plate. Ex libris, calligraphy on the inside of the front plate. The cards are well preserved, with sporadic blooms. To a pagination error is missing the mother, replaced by a mother-l, which is therefore double
Pages: 217 cc nn
Format: In the fourth
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 35
Width: 23
In the foreword to the collection of documents, the indication of the action that gave rise to the Istromento: “To make easier the administration of the holy Places, and more useful to the relief of the Poor, the distribution of Alms, Gifts, and other Charitable sussidii, which are administered by the Pious Foundations, was bothered his Majesty the most August Emperor and King, Our Joseph, with her Caesarean section the Royal dispatch of the 6th day of May 1784 command a new arrangement of all the Pious Causes, and places of Charity existing in Austrian Lombardy, with to have to this effect established a Junta immediately dependent on the Royal Government for the directorate-general for much of the economic, that of the use of the revenues of the same Pious Foundations. In the coherence of the controlled Accommodation, held to be permanent in this City Of Milan, the five main holy Places called the Mercy, a Four-Marie, Charity, and Mont Angelic, Gods, and Santa Maria di Loreto, were abolished by the infrascitti small, Pious places, and respectively aggregates alli following.” The following is a list of the holy places abolished, and are intended to fall within five main clusters. In the following approximately 400 pages are transcribed in the acts of donation, establishment of endowments and alms-deeds, the wills of hundreds of people and milanese families from the 1400's forward, destined to the ancient holy Places of the city, documents instimabile value and historical documentary about the city and its inhabitants.
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