128esima Legione Camicie Nere. Documentario fotografico dell'attività svolta durante la campagna per la conquista dell'Impero Fascista. Luglio 1935-XIII E.F. - Giugno 1937-XV E.F.
Author: Italo Romegialli
Publisher: Alfieri & Lacroix
Place of printing: Milan
Year of publication: 1937
Product Condition:
Copy in good condition. Half cloth binding with silver titles on the spine, front cover entirely decorated in color and with embossed lettering. The binding has some serious abrasions on the edges, corners and back cover: in particular on the upper portion of the side edge of the front cover and on the lower portion of the back cover; dust and dirt stains on the front cover; color stains on the spine. Slightly yellowed pages, with traces of dirt on the edges and rare foxing. Noteworthy in the center of the volume, in the lower portion, is a damp stain, which causes the partial detachment of the pages and the abrasion of the internal margin of a considerable part of them. Tear on the lower edges of two pages in the second half of the volume. Pencil annotations on the last white page. Attached loose sheet entitled Camerata! and postcard with image of Benito Mussolini, both with losses on the left edge. Text in Italian.
Pages: n.s.
Format: In folio
Dimensions (cm):
Height: 40
Width: 30
Impressive collection of photographs documenting the campaign to conquer Ethiopia, from the fighting to the taking of possession of the territories, with numerous images dedicated to the Ethiopian populations portrayed in a decidedly racist perspective, very evident in the captions that accompany the images. Also present are accounts of battles, explorations, ascents to the mountains of the territory, the list of officers and two topographic maps on folded sheets. Introduction by Roberto Farinacci. Present an advertising leaflet that urges to spread the volume to cover the unbudgeted expenses for its composition; a nice gift a postcard of the Duce
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