Historia Plantarum Biblioteca Casanatense Ms 459

Author: s.a.

Code: LIARGR0232389

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Historia Plantarum Biblioteca Casanatense Ms 459


Code: LIARGR0232389

2,181.00 $
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Historia Plantarum Biblioteca Casanatense Ms 459



Publisher:  Franco Cosimo Panini, Istituto della Enciclopedia Italiana

Place of printing:  Modena-Rome

Year of publication: 

Product Condition:
Volume in excellent condition. Handmade binding in green silk velvet with burnished brass studs on the plates, clasps and metal ribs, in excellent condition. Cards in excellent condition. The volume is contained in a wooden case with leather ties and studs and a title engraved on the front plate: the decorated ceramic coat of arms set in the front plate of the case is missing.

Pages:  (596)

Format:  In folio

Dimensions (cm):
Height:  46
Width:  32


Limited edition of 750 copies (ours bears the no. 529) of the anastatic reproduction of Ms. 459 also known as “Tacuinum Sanitatis” preserved at the Casanatense Library in Rome. We find ourselves faced with a true encyclopedia of medieval natural sciences: plants, animals and minerals with their medicinal and therapeutic properties are described in 295 papers. The text is accompanied by more than 500 illustrations of plants, more than 80 of animals and 30 of minerals, as well as cartoons referring to scenes of everyday life. The codex can be dated to the end of the 14th century and comes from the court of Gian Galeazzo Visconti as a gift to the king of Bohemia and Germany, Wenceslas IV

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