Oeuvres complètes de Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (8 voll)

Mises en ordre et précédées de la vie de l'auteur par L. Aimé-Martin

Author: Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre

Code: LINACS0228906

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Oeuvres complètes de Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (8 voll)

Mises en ordre et précédées de la vie de l'auteur par L. Aimé-Martin


Code: LINACS0228906

213.00 $
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Oeuvres complètes de Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (8 voll) - Mises en ordre et précédées de la vie de l'auteur par L. Aimé-Martin


Mises en ordre et précédées de la vie de l'auteur par L. Aimé-Martin


Publisher:  Auguste Wahlen et Comp.

Place of printing:  Brussels

Year of publication: 

Product Condition:
Work in eight volumes. Half leather binding with titles and elegant gold friezes on the spines and marbled plates: more significant peeling on the edges of the plates, slight on the plates, spines and caps. Traces of dust on the cuts. Slightly browned papers with widespread brown spots, irregularly distributed and localized especially along the margins. We would like to point out that in vol.IV between pages 6 and 7 a loose sheet of paper inserted between the pages left a marked brown halo. Text in French

Pages:  (4),188,383;(4),XV,500,(2);(4),446;(4),544;(4),XXIX,383;(4),438;(4),322, (2);(4),437

Format:  Eighth

Dimensions (cm):
Height:  23
Width:  14


Belgian edition of the complete works of Jacques-Henri-Bernardin de Saint-Pierre (1737-1814), published two years after the 12-volume edition in Paris edited by Aimé Martin, second husband of the widow Saint-Pierre, author of the Essai sur la vie et les ouvrages de Bernardin de Saint-Pierre which introduces the collection in Vol.I. A great popularizer of naturistic-humanitarian utopias inspired by Rousseau's theories, more than for his Etudes de la Nature (which in our edition fills volumes II and III), Saint-Pierre is famous for his Voyage à l'Île -de-France, par un officier du roi,de Bourbon au cap de Bonne-Espérance (1773), a picturesque travel model written on his return from his mission as Captain-Engineer of the King in the Mauritius Islands (Vol. I), but above all for the novel Paul et Virginie (1789) and the story La Chaumière Indienne (1790), which were immensely successful at the time (vol. IV). Engraved portrait of the author on the frontispiece. Three plates. ft accompany the Etudes de la Nature to volumes II and III. The collection is embellished by an elegant binding with elaborate golden friezes on the spines

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