Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell'Accademia del Cimento sotto la protezione del Serenissimo Principe Leopoldo di Toscana e descritte dal Segretario di essa Accademia

Quarta Edizione

Author: [Lorenzo Magalotti]

Code: LISCSC0227822

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Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell'Accademia del Cimento sotto la protezione del Serenissimo Principe Leopoldo di Toscana e descritte dal Segretario di essa Accademia

Quarta Edizione


Code: LISCSC0227822

568.00 $
540.00 $ *
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Saggi di naturali esperienze fatte nell'Accademia del Cimento sotto la protezione del Serenissimo Principe Leopoldo di Toscana e descritte dal Segretario di essa Accademia - Quarta Edizione


Quarta Edizione


Publisher:  Domenico Lovisa

Place of printing:  Venice

Year of publication: 

Product Condition:
Full parchment binding with title on 4-sided spine gusset: dirty parchment, especially on the spine; scratches with lack of parchment covering on the back plate; spelling on the edges of the plates and on the caps; calligraphic cataloging on the spine. Cuts sprayed with traces of dust and calligraphic title on the lower cut. Brown spot in the buttonhole. Well-preserved papers with rare foxings and brown spots (we point out: cut without defects in the text area in A1; the C5 paper printed on thicker paper; brown stain on the external margin of K3 and internal margin of N1; small lack on the lower margin of Q2). The ink from the plates has passed onto the adjacent pages, staining them, without compromising the readability of the text

Pages:  (8),CCLXIX,(19)

Format:  Eighth

Dimensions (cm):
Height:  23
Width:  17


Fourth edition of this important collection of scientific essays born within the work of the Accademia del Cimento, published by Lorenzo Magalotti, secretary of the Academy, in the first edition in Florence in 1667. Established by Prince Leopoldo of Tuscany in 1657, on the example of the Roman Accademia dei Lincei, the Accademia del Cimento carried forward, in the atmosphere of freedom of thought that characterized Tuscany at the time, the legacy of Galileo's scientific research: perhaps preceded by a private circle of experimenters who met in the duke's rooms (the Ferdinandea), the Accademia del Cimento met almost daily in a room of the Pitti Palace; these meetings lasted about 10 years and were collected by the secretary Magalotti in the work we present: in the "Foreword to Readers" pure observation is theorized as the method chosen in the work of the Academy, according to its motto "Provando e provando". The material is organized in a premise with the Declaration of some instruments used in the experiments followed by the actual Experiences organized into thematic nuclei (Experiences on air pressure; on air compression; on vacuum (with also animals placed in a vacuum); on ice, artificial (of water and various liquids, including Chianti wine) and natural; on the capacity of metal and glass vases to vary the temperature; on the compression of water; on positive lightness; on magnet; on amber and other substances of electrical virtue; on changes of color in different fluids; on the movements of sound; on projectiles; on the absolute weight of air with respect to water; on the effects of heat and cold; if glass it is penetrable by odors and humidity; on light and its effects). All illustrated by 29 plates, full-page copper engraved and included in the booklet, almost all repeated several times for a total of 75 actual plates. Copper engraving on the frontispiece, large copper coat of arms of the Venetian Patrician Girolamo Flangini, dedicatee of the work, woodcut finials, headpieces and initial letters.

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