Oeuvres de Walter Scott

Traduites par A.J. Defauconpret avec les introductions et les notes nouvelles de la dernière édition d'Edimbourg

Author: Walter Scott

Code: LINACS0150032

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Oeuvres de Walter Scott

Traduites par A.J. Defauconpret avec les introductions et les notes nouvelles de la dernière édition d'Edimbourg


Code: LINACS0150032

546.00 $
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Oeuvres de Walter Scott - Traduites par A.J. Defauconpret avec les introductions et les notes nouvelles de la dernière édition d'Edimbourg


Traduites par A.J. Defauconpret avec les introductions et les notes nouvelles de la dernière édition d'Edimbourg


Publisher:  Furne, Charles Gosselin, Perrotin Editeurs

Place of printing:  Paris

Year of publication: 

Product Condition:
Work in 29 volumes out of 30: volume 19 is missing. Work in good condition. Elegant binding signed Bibolet on the first and last volume, in half leather with titles and rich gilt friezes on the spine with 4 raised bands, in good condition: slight peeling on the headphones, hinges and edges of the plates. Label of the Bibolet binder on the front pastedown of the first and last volume. Marbled cuts with traces of dust. Well-preserved leaves, irregularly browned and with important blooms and brown spots located above all along the margins. Texte en Français

Pages:  500 pages approx. vol

Format:  In eighth

Dimensions (cm):
Height:  21
Width:  13


Complete edition of the works of Walter Scott (unfortunately one volume is missing) in French translation by AJB Defauconpret. Each novel is preceded by a beautiful romantic-style engraving protected by tissue paper. This copy is embellished with a beautiful binding signed on the first and last volume by Laurent Marin Bibollet (known as Bibolet), binder in Paris between 1826 and 1845. A further reason for its value is the illustrious provenance of the collection: in fact, it comes from the library of the Chateau d 'Ermenonville

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