Vocabulario y refranero criollo
Author: Tito Saubidet
Publisher: Editorial Guillermo Kraft Ltda.
Place of printing: Buenos Aires (Argentina)
Year of publication: 1952
Product Condition:
Specimen in good condition. Text in Spanish. Leather cover with title and design embossed on the front plate. Cover with dust spots, signs of wear along the edges, scratches and defects to the spine and to the dishes. The anchor on which is shown the title on the spine is very worn, with tears and faults. Cut the yellowed and darkened by dust. Pages yellowed and slightly blackened at the edges. The first and last pages of the guard are wavy because of the humidity. The page with the first color drawing, and detached. Text in Spanish. Book in good condition. Spots of dust, signs of use and abrasions at the edges and at the back of the cover. Slightly yellowed pages and edges with traces of dust. The first and last pages are slightly wavy due to humidity. The first color drawing page is detached. Texto en español. Libro en buen estado. Manchas de polvo, signs of use y abrasiones en los bordes y en la part posterior de la pool. Pages y bordes ligeramente amarillentos with rastros de polvo. Las media surfaces y últimas pages son ligeramente onduladas debido a la humedad. La primera página de dibujo en color está separate.
Pages: 421
Format: Hardcover
Text in Spanish / Texto en español / Spanish text. With texts and original drawings of Tito Saubidet / Con textos y dibujos originales de Tito Saubidet / With texts and original drawings by Tito Saubidet. With figures in black-and-white no.t. and drawings to color f.t. / With black and white figures in the text and color drawings outside the text / figuras en blanco y negro en el texto y dibujos en color fuera del texto. Fourth edition / Cuarta edicion / the Fourth edition. Exemplary numbered No. 2424 / Ejemplar No. 2424 / Numbered copy No. 2424.
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