The complete poems
Autor: Randall Jarrell
Herausgeber: The Noonday Press. Farrar, Straus and Giroux
Druckort: New York
Erscheinungsjahr: 1996
Poet, novelist, critic, and teacher, Randall Jarrell was a diverse literary talent with a distinctive voice, by turns imaginative, realistic, sensitive, and ironic. His poetry, whether dealing with art, war, memories of childhood, or the loneliness of everyday life, is powerful and moving. A poet of colloquial language, ample generosity, and intimacy, Jarrell wrote beautifully "of the American landscape," as James Atlas noted in American Poetry Review, "[with] a broad humanism that enabled him to give voice to those had been given none of their own."
The Complete Poems is the definitive volume of Randall Jarrell's verse, including Selected Poems (1955), with notes by the author; The Woman at the Washington Zoo (1960), which won the National Book Award for Poetry; and The Lost World (1965), "his last and best book," according to Robert Lowell. This volume also brings together several of Jarrell's uncollected or posthumously published poems as well as his Rilke translations.
Beispiel in gutem Zustand. Einband mit Vergilbung, leichten Staubflecken und leichten Gebrauchsspuren an den Kanten und Ecken. Kleine Abblätterungen an allen Kanten und Ecken des Vorder- und Rückdeckels. Widmung (nicht vom Autor) im Knopfloch. Schnitte mit Staubflecken. Englischer Text. Text auf Englisch. Buch in gutem Zustand.
ISBN -Code: 0374513058
EAN: 9780374513054
Seiten: XV,507
Format: Taschenbuch
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 25
Breite: 15
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