Skate and Destroy - The first 25 years of Thrasher magazine
The first 25 years of Thrasher magazine
Autor: AA.VV.
Herausgeber: Universe Publishing
Erscheinungsjahr: [2006]
In January 1981, a group of San Francisco skateboarders put together the first issue of Thrasher magazine. Today, Thrasher is bigger and better than ever—its name synonymous with both skateboarding's roots and constant evolution. Marking Thrasher's anniversary, this jam-packed retrospective recounts skateboarding's twists and turns of the last two decades and offers a glimpse at its thriving future. New and old school skaters alike will love Thrasher: Skate and Destroy. Not only does it cover the first twenty-five years of the magazine, reprinting the best of the original columns—"Photograffiti," "Zounds," "Trash," among others—but it will feature unpublished photos, rejected covers, interview outtakes, and detailed profiles. Action-packed photos capture legendary skaters such as: Tony Hawk, Bob Burnquist, Andrew Reynolds, Tony Alva, Mike Carroll, and Lance Mountain.The definitive guide to the history and development of skateboarding, no other book will take you as close to the risk taking, bone breaking world of what has since become the world's fastest growing extreme sport. With an emphasis on the current trends that will especially appeal to today's hundreds of thousands of skaters, this will be the skateboarding bible for fans of all ages and levels. Like the tattoos carved into the arms of skaters worldwide, Thrasher is forever. This one's gonna be gnarly!
Beispiel in gutem Zustand. Einband mit Staubspuren, Gebrauchsspuren und Abrieb an den Kanten und Ecken; Streifen auf der Rückseite. Lose Bindung auf der Rückseite. Leicht vergilbte Schnitte und mit Staubspuren. Seiten an den Rändern vergilbt. Englischer Text. Text auf Englisch. Buch in gutem Zustand.
EAN: 9780789313867
Seiten: s.n.
Format: Taschenbuch
Größe (cm):
Höhe: 28
Breite: 24
Englischer Text. Text auf Englisch. Mit zahlreichen s/w- und Farb-NT- und FT-Aufnahmen
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